Employment opportunities and equity in Egypt - the technical papers of the ILO/UNDP comprehensive employment strategy mission to Egypt, 1980

Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 7 vol. 92-2-102997-2
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 39 sidor. 92-2-103221-3, 92-2-102997-2
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 40 sidor. 92-2-103222-1, 92-2-102997-2
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 32 sidor. 92-2-103223-X, 92-2-102997-2
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 20 sidor. 92-2-103224-8, 92-2-102997-2
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 46 sidor. 92-2-103225-6, 92-2-102997-2
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 39 sidor. 92-2-103226-4, 92-2-102997-2
ILO 1983 Schweiz, Geneva 40 sidor. 92-2-103227-2, 92-2-102997-2